Name- Latricia Clark
Family- husband—Donald Clark (math teacher here at DCHS), daughter—Emily (4th grade ad CHES)
What do you teach? Acc. and C.P. English 1
Teaching experience/education- 19 years—graduated from DCHS, Brescia, WKU, and Indiana Wesleyan
Favorite part of your subject- Romeo and Juliet
Interests/hobbies- reading, sleeping, and cake decorating—not all at the same time
One other interesting fact about you- I have certification in cake decorating, I
married a high-diver from Holiday World, I love driving my dad’s convertible, and I love to sing.
A story about an educator that left an impression on you- My most influential mentor in education was Fumie Bouvier. She was my senior English teacher here at DCHS. She encouraged me to become a teacher. Besides realizing that I made good grades in English, she recognized my love to help others understand class material. She was also my supervising teacher when I student taught here at DCHS. (I have never left.) She “made” me start teaching the very first day of school. It was a great learning experience from a great teacher.