Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Faculty Spotlight--Coach Wellman

- Rob Wellman

Family- In the works…have a beautiful girlfriend that is a resource teacher at Highland (Chantay Conder); my mother is Holly Askin and father is David Wellman; my little sister Megan Bickett is a 2009 graduate of DCHS

What do you teach- 9th grade Global Studies

Teaching experience/education- 3rd year teaching (1st at DC), graduate of WKU

• Favorite part of your subject- Getting to travel the world everyday and doing all kinds of different projects

• Interests/hobbies- JV girls basketball coach, love playing and watching all sports, going to our place at Rough River, being with my family and friends , PS3, addicted to Lost the tv show

• One other interesting fact about you- My first paying job was at Sea World in Orlando

• A story about an educator that left an impression on you- My advocate all four years of HS was a history teacher and he was a teacher and person I knew I wanted to be like. I was like any other HS kid that didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life and he encouraged me to look into this profession because of my passion and knowledge of history and my “high energy”. His supporting of me did us both some good…I started working harder and behaving better in his classes and I eventually fell in love with teaching and working with kids. Thank you Al Reid!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Upcoming Events!!

I want to take just a couple minutes to publicize two upcoming events in the 9th Grade Academy. The first event is the Freshmen Tailgate Party. It will be held Thursday, September 3rd at 5pm near the entrance to the football stadium. There will be tons of food and prizes, games, music, and fun. All 9th grade students can attend free of charge, and also are admitted free of charge to the Freshman football game at 6pm. I can't wait to see everyone there having a great time and supporting Coach Goodrid and the team.

The next event is FroshFest 2009. It is planned for October 10th from 7-10pm on the football practice field. This is THE social event of the year for our 9th Grade students. There will be live music, tons of prizes, games, and a lot more in a carnival type atmosphere. Right now we are planning to charge each 9th Grade student $5 which includes a FroshFest t-shirt.

These events are for 9th Graders only. It is a great way to get to know your 9th Grade Academy classmates and teachers. Please contact any 9th Grade Academy teacher, Mr. Benjamin, or Carrie Kimbrell, DCHS YSC Director if you have any questions!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1st Day of School!!

The 9th Grade Academy at Daviess County High School got off to a great start today! Students started the day in advocates, where they received several valuable items, the most exciting of which was definitely their laptop computers! After advocates, students attended their classes and got down to business. I hope you enjoy the pictures I posted from some of my travels today!